Let me pose a question to begin with. What's the first thing that comes to mind when I tell you I'm "OCD"? Think about it... Do you roll your eyes and say oohhh goddd. Do you think of me in a different light? Does that light have a positive or negative connotation? Or do you maybe start thinking medically? Are you mentally listing symptoms I might have? I'm asking you these questions to see what YOUR take is on obsessive compulsive disorder. I feel like lately the term OCD is so overly used these days, everyone and their dog is OCD. But do people know what exactly this disorder entails? It's certainly not limited to being organized, wanting things your own way, or having a desire to clean a dirty space. Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety ridden disorder in which the person suffers from repeated thoughts, feelings, or ideas often carried out in unwanted behaviors for temporary relief. More commonly know symptoms of OCD are: excessive fear of germs, excessive counting, checking and rechecking actions ( locking of doors, lights turned on or off...) The person affected usually recognized that the behavior is excessive or unreasonable.
My point for boring you guys with all this information is for you to know the different between a medically diagnosed problem versus you being anal retentive at work. We live in a society where everyone is ADD, ADHD, or OCD... and along with all these self (faux) diagnoses comes the "there's a pill for that!" phenomenon. Don't even get me started on that.... that's a whole 'nother blog people. But heres the bottom line folks: If you're being obnoxious, anal, or my way or the highway at work or anywhere else where working with others is involved check yourself yo. Either you have a medical disorder or you don't. Stop walking around giving everyone the same excuse that your "OCD" because of your annoying behavior... If you seriously think your suffering check it out, do some research, go talk to someone... otherwise get over it, and thank your mom for sending you to a Montessori preschool...
Thats all for today friends... Over and out.
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