So heres the deal.... mentally insane is defined as "a mental defect or disorder sufficient to prevent a person from knowing the difference between right and wrong conduct or from understanding the nature of his or her actions." Now with that being said I want to point out that I think that would make all criminals mentally koo-koo, but thankfully the justice system isn't in my hands. Moving on... So I guess the dilemma here is how do we prove someone is just plain and simply a criminal or bat shit cray? (Well duh, a doctor...) But, regardless of how we answer that question I think the area that society has an issue with is how these proven "criminally ill" folks are punished. Majority of society looks at the insanity plea as an "out" or "getting off easy" situ... but from what I've gathered by reading up on this is that this is not the case at all. I mean, If you plead insanity and you're not insane and they send you to the koo-koo bin that is going to be a traumatic experience. I feel like the whole point of our punishment system is to protect society, punish the bad, and hopefully fix their issues.
Helllllooo, thats why it's called a correctional facility.... to correct those fools. And if someone is mentally ill or not capable of being in the here and now of reality then I don't see it appropriate to throw them into a shark tank prison. Thats not only asking for trouble, but also setting them up for a failure of a "recovery". If someone is "sick" you send them to the hospital.... well that should ring true for mentally sick patients as well right? Look guys... I'm not saying that these people who are whacked in the head and commit heinous crimes should get the martha stewart prison experience, all I'm saying is that the criminally insane SHOULD serve their time (after all they broke the rules of life), but they shouldn't serve it the tradition way with all the regular criminals.
Ew. Did I just say regular criminals as if that exists?
Creep cityyyy |
I love the humor you incorporate into your blog!I totally agree with you! The mentally Insane should be put in a hospital if they are sick. Leaving them in a prison is not the way to help them.